The truly Wild Wild Web 3.0

Remember the thrill of discovering Web 2.0 — basically platforms that facilitated content, communication, and communities? So you had Blogspot, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google — and others such that allowed you to connect with literally the whole world. Web 2.0 democratized content creation and communication and has enjoyed a solid run of nearly 20 years. But now there are concerns around free speech! These platforms are now hyper-careful about what people publish and censorship is not a new thing. Enter Web 3.0 — the truly wild, wild web. Web 3.0 is based on blockchain technology. Blockchain, in essence, is a decentralized and distributed database that can store any data of value. In this case, it can store your web pages, your profile, and a link to pay you in cryptocurrency (the digital currency based on Blockchain). The decentralized thing is key. No one hosts your content — you host it yourself with a private key on something called t...