So, what really is the Internet? Huh?

Like billions of people around the world, I have been working from home for the past year and a half, unable to go to work because of the pandemic-wrought citywide restrictions. While the pandemic itself has been scary, working from home has been a pleasant experience. No commute, no need to wake up too early, being able to have a relaxed morning coffee, and other such conveniences. One of the best perks has been working at my desk surrounded by my three dogs. A neighbor’s kid, no more than 8–9, sees me standing outside my house in the morning, having a relaxed after-breakfast smoke. He is also stuck at home as schools are shut. Yesterday, he finally got curious enough to ask me why I wasn’t going to work. I didn’t go to school, I went to work, so surely I didn’t have a time-off. I explained to him that I wasn’t going to work because of the same reason he wasn’t going to school — the pandemic and the restrictions. He then asked me if I wasn’t working, was I getting...